Plantago lanceolata is a rosette-forming perennial herb, known by the common names English plantain, narrowleaf plantain, ribwort plantain, ribleaf, buckhorn plantain, buckhorn, and lamb’s tongue. It is a common weed of cultivated land.
Where you can find it?
Distribution: Originally from Europe and northern and central Asia, Plantago lanceolata is now cosmopolitan
Habitat: Meadows, grassland, roadsides. A common weed of lawns and cultivated ground, on neutral and basic soils
When to harvest?
Plant parts can be harvested from Spring through Autumn, even after flowering.
How do I use it?
Young leaves: raw or cooked (Boil 5 minutes). You can serve it as a side-dish, like spinach, or as filling in savoury tarts and ravioli. It’s used also in thick vegetable soups. A good cough syrup can be made. The plants are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Potassium, Copper, Selenium, etc..
Seed: cooked. The seed can be ground into a powder and added to flours when making bread.
Check out my Narrowleaf Plantain Meatballs
Leaves fresh or frozen (lightly cooked). Dried leaves, to make a good tea.
By seed: germination requires stratification. Sow outdoors in mid to late spring. Established plants self–sow fairly readily on bare ground.
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